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Caseyville mayor appoints twice-bankrupt resident as village treasurer

By   /  December 18, 2014  /  3 Comments

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Undeterred by a 4-2 vote Wednesday by the Board of Trustees against his choice for Caseyville Treasurer, Mayor Leonard Black appointed a resident to the post who has twice filed for bankruptcy.

Caseyville Mayor Len Black / Photo by Roger Starkey

Caseyville Mayor Len Black / Photo by Roger Starkey

Black appointed Lola Cline as interim treasurer, which he can do without Board approval. Reached for comment Thursday, Black called the votes against Cline a political move.

“She is a lifelong citizen. It is good to have someone qualified,” Black said. “She worked for Scott Credit Union for all those years and she is knowledgeable, in my opinion.”

Court records show that Cline and her husband Alfred have twice filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. The couple filed in June 1988 and March 2010. Black said he was unaware of the financial history of the person he twice brought to the Board to be appointed treasurer – he first made a motion to appoint Cline in a February committee meeting.

“I didn’t look too deep into it. I didn’t know about that,” Black said when informed Cline had twice filed for bankruptcy.

Attempts to reach Cline were unsuccessful.

According to court records, Cline and her husband had $98,937.53 in debt, including $49,118.39 in credit card debt and $1765.54 classified as medical bills in March 2010. The couple claimed assets of $39,915.24 and a monthly income of $3,333.96.

Trustees Rick Casey Jr. and Ron Tamburello voted in favor of hiring Cline, who Black said will be sent to training with the accounting firm Scheffel Boyle. In March, Black mentioned a preference for Scheffel Boyle to be named treasurer, although they were never appointed.

Cline, who Black said will make about $400 per month, will not have much investing work as part of her responsibilities.

“We don’t have any money to invest,” Black said. “What we have, we just invest in CDs (certificates of deposit).”

The Board of Trustees recently voted unanimously to raise property taxes by 17.5 percent for the Police Pension Fund, Social Security and the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund – the retirement account for Illinois municipal employees.

(See related: http://metroindependent.com/2014/12/11/17-5-percent-tax-hike-for-caseyville-unanimously-approved/9918/)

Black said he was confident the Board would be happy with Cline’s performance and may bring her back to them for approval again. If the former secretary and bank employee does not perform well, Black said that is not a problem.

“If she doesn’t do a good job, we’ll just get rid of her,” Black said.

The opening Cline filled was created by the resignation of Diel and Forguson LLC on Dec. 5. Black said two treasurers have quit since he took office. He is unsure why, but is certain that it is not his fault.

Black removed Diel and Forguson LLC as treasurers soon after taking office in May 2013 and did not appoint a replacement. The company was brought back on March 26, 2014.

(See related story: http://metroindependent.com/2014/05/18/who-was-watching-caseyvilles-finances-from-may-2013-to-april-2014/6366/)

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  • Published: 10 years ago on December 18, 2014
  • By:
  • Last Modified: December 22, 2014 @ 8:51 am
  • Filed Under: Caseyville, News


  1. Delores says:

    Roger Starkey, shame on you. Its bad enough that you brought up something that happened 26 years ago, and you felt the need to publish it in great detail. You have caused grief to a wonderful lady who has lived in this city since 1965 and has donated endless hours helping anyone that needed it. She had to due what she needed to do at this time in her life. Do you know what its like to go from a 2 income family to 1 income family due to illness of your spouse that took his life. Have you done a background check on all the people running the city of Caseyville and if not why are you so concerned about this lady that’s was going be making a whopping $400.00 a month. I saw where you said you were unsuccessful in reaching Cline, well I am a life long friend of hers and I was at her home today at 10:30 am when she got a call from the city about this mess and I never left her home until 8pm. No one called are came to her home during this time so your statement is far from the truth. “Tis the season to be jolly” not for this family thanks to you.


    Caseyville hired a person who is no more qualified looking at her history than John Doe off the street. you just raised takes 17 xx percent for a blue collar town that obviously is struggling. Of course what ever Black wants he gets. Who is he representing? Not the citizens obviously. Then again we know Black doesn’t concern himself with whats best for Caseyville. IE Alverez. and expenses of constantly firing him.

    • Brad VanHoose says:

      It’s unfair that Lola was dragged through the mud made by the hapless buffoon, Leonard Black. But while you blame Rodger Starkey for his content, be assured that this information was laid at his feet by a certain board member who likes being anonymous. Leonard Black has been a huge disappointment. I hope he is a one term mayor. I hope so for the villages sake. I cannot say it enough….I REGRET working to help put him in that office. How Black sleeps at night continues to baffle and amaze. He and Bob Romanik have effectively brought down most of the positive changes that were hoped for in 2013. Black has broken nearly EVERY campaign promise he made when he ran for office.

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