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Hairscapers salon granted TIF funds

By   /  August 15, 2013  /  1 Comment

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The Collinsville City Council on Monday approved a tax-increment financing expenditure for Hairscapers Salon to make building and parking lot improvements.

The total cost of the improvements is $25,057.78. Hairscapers will be reimbursed 40 percent of the cost – equal to $10,023.11 – in TIF funds after work is completed. Uptown Coordinator Leah Joyce said TIF guidelines allow for 40 percent reimbursement for permanent improvements to a building.

Photo by Roger Starkey

Photo by Roger Starkey

New gutters, downspouts, windows and a paved parking lot are among the renovations to be performed at the hair salon, located at 265 St. Louis Road. Councilman Mike Tognarelli said that section of town is a controversial TIF district, but Hairscapers is a good example of how the funds can help the community.

“That building was borderline derelict and the next step would have been tearing it down,” Tognarelli said. “The improvements that made have been to it are phenomenal,”

Mayor John Miller said many people come into the city along St. Louis Road and any improvements along that street would be helpful. Tognarelli said he would like to see more TIF funds used in that part of St. Louis Road.

Crystal Ball, co-owner of Hairscapers, said she is grateful for the assistance from the city. The business, which has been open for 10 months, will also receive a new sign. The sign will be shared with a neighboring business, Marshall’s Transmission Service.

“It is nice to have neighbors that work with us so well,” Ball said.

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1 Comment

  1. Town Cryer says:

    Crystal Ball?!? Really?? Her name’s Crystal Ball?

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