Letter to the Editor: Mayor out of line to sign name to letter

Dear Editor, On June 30, Ready Nation Illinois director Sean Noble messaged Collinsville Mayor John Miller and Mr. Kevin Weinacht stating the BND never printed their letter this spring. Ironically, the Post-Dispatch has not printed my rebuttal to the July 12 letter Noble drafted captioned, Illinois’ cut in childcare hurt families and businesses. My rebuttal […]
Read More →Letter to the Editor: Fairness for Fairmount Park

Fairmount racetrack has been in business since 1925. At one time, the racetrack was one of the largest job creators in the Metro East and sent more tax dollars to Collinsville than most, if not all, businesses in Madison County. Today, the racetrack is a shell of what it was, what it could be, and […]
Read More →Marleen Suarez: “Prenzler should turn his attention to his own office”

My name is Marleen Suarez. As a candidate for Madison County Treasurer in the November Election, I promise to talk about issues that matter. I am a successful small business owner with more than a decade of professional investment industry experience and a plan for how to make the Treasurer’s Office work better for you. […]
Read More →Letter to the Editor: Stand with Steelworkers

A battle is on to protect American-made steel and the livelihood of those who make it. U.S. Steel in Granite City is the second-largest property taxpayer in Madison County. The steel mill pays more than $6.65 million to 10 local taxing districts, and provides jobs to more than 2,000 employees, most of whom live in […]
Read More →Letter to the Editor: Revisiting the mayor’s role in the flower sculpture acquisition

The Metro Independent published a great article about the flower sculpture at the corner of Clay Street and Route 159. It should serve as a reminder of our very unusual weak Mayor form of government that Mayor Miller fails to respect. But for being Liquor Commissioner and chairing meetings he is simply one of five […]
Read More →Letter to the Editor: National Day of Prayer

In 1952, the U.S. Congress established a day to remember the religious heritage of this country and to celebrate the rights to freely exercise our faith, and yes, to pray to God. As a nation, we unite on the first Thursday in May for the National Day of Prayer. In Madison County, religious beliefs also […]
Read More →Letter to the Editor: When taxes go up, do you have a say in it?

To the Editor: The number one complaint the Madison County Treasurer hears is about tax increases. People say, “I didn’t vote for an increase, so why do my taxes keep going up?” They’re right. The public often doesn’t have a say in the matter. How does it happen? First, let’s make it clear that the […]
Read More →Letter to the Editor: Madison County Jail referendum, “the time for action is now”

Letter to the Editor: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry once said, “the time for action is now.” The French novelist who penned “The Little Prince” believed “It’s never too late to do something.” He’s right. Early voting started in the Primary election and many of you will make the trip to the polls to cast your ballot. However, […]
Read More →Letter to the Editor: Historically low rates at Madison County tax sale

To the Editor: People usually don’t associate good news with taxes, but the annual Madison County Tax Sale, held this past Thursday, did result in good news for late taxpayers. Property taxes in the amount of $4.4 million were sold at a weighted average penalty interest rate of 1.59 percent. I’m not aware of any […]
Read More →Have an opinion? Write a letter to the editor.
If you have an opinion about what is happening in the area, the state, the country or the world and you want your voice to be heard, write a letter to the editor. Submit all letters to rogerstarkey@metroindependent.com. Any profane, racist or otherwise inappropriate letters will not be published.
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