“Jimi Hendrix of the violin” to play at SIUE

Eileen Ivers and her Immigrant Soul band come to Southern Illinois University Oct. 23 to play a 7 p.m. concert in the Meridian Ballroom. Ivers is a Grammy-Award winning fiddler/violinist who was dubbed the “Jimi Hendrix of the violin” by The New York Times. The Irish-American fiddler plays a blend of traditional and contemporary violin […]
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2013 Tunes at Blum includes The Usual Suspects and other Metro East favorites
Collinsville’s free uptown concert series returns to the Blum House Sept. 4. Held on the lawn of the historic home at 414 W. Main St., Tunes at Blum will provide free entertainment each Wednesday in September. The lineup this year includes Tommy Halloran, The Usual Suspects, Brad MacDonald and The Mr. Wizard Band. Tommy Halloran […]
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