Keene on Your Finances: Giving thanks as an investor

Still hoping for a few warm days this fall, we were rudely greeted by a blast of cold air from a polar vortex last week that quickly reminded us that winter is not far ahead. Combine the cold air with shorter days and predictions of a frigid winter by the Old Farmer’s Almanac, and it […]
Read More →A hidden gem, 529 College Savings Plans offer big benefits

Many parents in the past few months have faced the daunting task of writing a sizeable check to universities to cover their child’s fall semester tuition. While writing the check, I am sure many were asking themselves why they did not save more money for this event. According to College Illinois!, a prepaid tuition program, […]
Read More →Keene on Your Finances: Strategies to maximize Social Security benefits

Every day thousands of Baby Boomers turn age 62 and become eligible to receive Social Security benefits. The dilemma they face is taking the money immediately or waiting. For those who can afford to wait, doing so could result in hundreds of thousands of extra dollars over a lifetime. There may also be unique strategies […]
Read More →Keene on Your Finances: How well do you know your financial advisor?

It is fairly typical for financial advisors to be nice people with warm smiles and engaging personalities. It is also not uncommon for them to appear financially successful by living in upscale communities and driving luxury cars. But does it qualify them to give you prudent financial advice and manage your investments? What are their […]
Read More →Think you’re not paying fees for your 401(k)? You’re probably wrong

“There’s no such thing as a free lunch.” This widely used adage essentially communicates the idea that it is impossible to get something for nothing. Although this is intuitive for most people, when it comes to 401(k) plans, far too many participants think they are getting a free lunch. According to a recent survey by […]
Read More →“Keene on Your Finances” – Roth 401k and Roth IRA, a lifetime of tax free earnings

A well-respected tax and estate planning attorney recently told me he had no idea he could contribute to a Roth 401k. He was sure there was an income limit. He and many others are missing a great investment opportunity. For years we have been wired to defer taxes and pay only when it is absolutely […]
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