Construction will begin Sept. 3 on a new Summit Avenue Bridge, near Johnson Hill Road, in Collinsville.

An artist rendering of the new Summit Avenue Bridge in Collinsville / Courtesy of the City of Collinsville
Work on the bridge may continue into the spring. There will be periods of time when only one lane is open. The entire bridge will be closed for an estimated two months. When completed, the bridge will have expanded lanes and Americans with Disability Act compliant sidewalks on both sides.
The public will be notified two weeks before lane closures on the bridge and two weeks prior to the bridge closing, Director of Streets Rod Cheatham said. Detailed detour information will be provided prior to the bridge closing.
Federal funds will pay for 80 percent of the $810,000 project, Cheatham said. The remaining $162,000 will come from Tax Increment Finance funding.