One more hurdle on the way to building a parking lot on the site of the former post office before Italian Fest starts could be cleared Monday, June 23.

The old post office building at 130 South Center Street in the process of being torn down to make room for a municipal parking lot / Photo by Roger Starkey
The Collinsville City Council will consider two bids for the parking lot. One, in the amount of $230,818.40, comes from Hank’s Excavating. The other, in the amount of $245,584.50, comes from Stutz Excavating.
The property was purchased by the City April 14 in the amount of $250,000 and is in the process of being torn down.
In other business, Friday’s South will return to the City Council to request more tax increment finance funds. The total requested amount is $31,500. The TIF funds will be used to install a sprinkler system that will bring the restaurant’s expansion up to fire safety code.
The City Council will vote on an ordinance authorizing Mayor John Miller to execute a letter of understanding with the Illinois Department of Transportation regarding the department’s project to widen Collinsville Road from four to five lanes.
The project itself will cost $1.3 million and engineering costs will be $195,000. There is no cost to the City for the project.
A bidirectional turn lane will be added to the road, as well as eight-foot wide shoulders, various entrances reconstructed and drainage work. The project will take place near Collinsville Middle School and ends near Interstate 255 by Arnold Street.
The Council will consider amendment to an ordinance regarding groundwater control and usage. The Village of Troy has installed a new well on United Drive to go along with the construction of the new water plant for the town. The well and the new water plant are within Collinsville city limits.
Municipal code in Collinsville prohibits anyone from using groundwater as a potable water supply. The Council will consider exempting Troy from this in order to allow it to use its new well.
The Collinsville City Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday in City Hall Council Chambers, 125 S. Center St.