The future of the former post office building at 130 S. Center Street in uptown Collinsville may soon become clear.

The building that housed the Collinsville post office from 1964 to Jan. 31, 2014 / Photo by Roger Starkey
The closure of the uptown post office on Jan. 31 has had many residents wondering what will become of the building that has been a fixture at the corner of Center Street and Grove Avenue for 50 years. If the City Council approves a proposal Monday evening, Collinsville will buy the 11,000 square-foot building and parking lot for $250,000.
Because the City Council has not yet approved the purchase, City Manager Scott Williams declined comment on specific plans for the building and lot.
The Uptown Master Plan and the City of Collinsville’s strategic plan both state a desire to create additional parking in uptown. The post office’s lease on the building does not expire until September, which could add a layer of complexity to the City’s plans.
The Collinsville Area Ministerial Association’s Helping Hands Ministry was another possible suitor for the building. The food pantry has been looking for a new home for at least two years.
David Amsden, of CAMA, said the post office building was one of several locations that had been considered.
“If God wanted the building to be owned by the churches of Collinsville, it would have happened, and it doesn’t look like it will,” Amsden said. “The food pantry has a new home yet to be found.”
The proposed purchase price of $250,000 is considerably less than the theoretical fair market value. The parcel had a 2014 assessed value of $140,560, according to Madison County records. By State of Illinois law, a property’s assessed value is to be 331/3 percent of its fair market value. The fair market value, therefore, would be $421,722.17.
The Collinsville City Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday in City Hall Council Chambers, 125 S. Center St.