Collinsville Police to increase traffic enforcement from Friday through Jan. 4

The Collinsville Police Department announced Wednesday that it will increase traffic enforcement Dec. 19 through Jan. 4, 2015. The increased enforcement is to reduce traffic accidents and injuries during the holiday season, police said. In conjunction with the Illinois Department of Transportation, the Collinsville Police Department will enforce DUI, seat belt, and mobile phone usage violations […]
Read More →Notice of municipal letting, Collinsville, three Ford Utility Police Interceptor Vehicles

The City of Collinsville, Illinois, will receive sealed bids for furnishing and delivering three (3) 2015 Ford Utility Police Interceptor Vehicles, Project #EQP-578-15, until 10 a.m., Friday, Jan. 2, 2015, at City Hall, 125 South Center Street, Collinsville, IL, 62234. Bids will be publicly opened and read at that time. Proposal forms and bid specifications […]
Read More →Man sentenced in connection with Granite City beating that left acquaintance paralyzed

A man accused of beating an acquaintance with a hammer and metal bar was sentenced to 20 years in prison Monday. Ricky A. Andrews, 35, and Robert C. Kelly, 49, were charged in 2012 with Class X felonies for home invasion and attempted murder in connection with the beating of a man on Delmar Avenue […]
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