Michelle Rennie is often the first to arrive in the morning at Webster Elementary School, and often the last to leave. Steve Blind is a teacher with a great attitude that helps teachers communicate district wide.

Steve Blind, Collinsville Unit 10 October Teacher of the Month and his students at Maryville Elementary / Submitted photo

Michelle Renne, Collinsville Unit 10 September Teacher of the Month and Webster Elementary School Principal Brad Snow / Photo by Roger Starkey
Rennie’s dedication earned her the September Collinsville Unit 10 Teacher of the Month award. In her 10th year at Webster, and 24th year in education, Rennie was praised by Principal Brad Snow for her dedication to her students.
“She is always thinking about what is best for the kids,” Snow said.
Teaching a high-needs group without an assistant forces Rennie to be creative with finding ways to help the students, Snow said. Among other creative ideas, Rennie uses peer pupils.
Rennie was surprised with the award at a school-wide assembly.
“It was the first thing at the Character Education assembly,” Rennie said. “I was very surprised and excited.”
Blind earned the October Unit 10 Teacher of the Month award, presented by Rick Kincheloe of Edward Jones. Maryville Principal Carmen Loemker praised Blind for facilitating collaboration among teachers and said students love to be in his class.
“He always has a great attitude, is flexible and always looks for the positives in kids,” Loemker said.