- Linda Gallardo
- Matt Cook
- Shajarvis Patrick
- Kailey Boyer
- Phillip Collins
- Elizabeth Burr
- Hanna Liljegren
- Oscar Ochoa
- Regan Frauenfelder
- Jake Scheiter
- Jose Betancourt
- Nick Gonet
- Aimee Haynes
- Nathan Rhoads
- Ashley Burgess
- Brittany Gates
- Molly McNally
- Erika Gonzalez
- Tanner Barnish
- Sharron Clark
- Alexis Barendregt
- Hannah Meyer
- Carlee Mahan
The winners of the September Character Education Students of the Month award at Collinsville High School were recently announced. The character trait for the month was “be respectful, treat other people as you would like to be treated.”
Winners were Alexis Barendregt, Tanner Barnish, Jose Betancourt, Kailey Boyer, Ashley Burgess, Elizabeth Burr, Sharron Clark, Phillip Collins, Matt Cook, Regan Frauenfelder, Linda Gallardo, Brittany Gates, Nick Gonet, Erika Gonzalez, Aimee Haynes, Hanna Liljegren, Carlee Mahan, Molly McNally, Hannah Meyer, Oscar Ochoa, Shajarvis Patrick, Nathan Rhoads and Jake Scheiter.
Alexis Barendregt
Alexis was one of several students who stopped to help pick up papers that were littered along the drive and parking areas after coming off the recycling truck while leaving the CHS campus. Alexis took it upon herself to help other students and staff members to pick these papers before the start of school. – Mrs. Catherine Schmidt
Tanner Barnish
Tanner found a student’s wallet on the campus of CHS and turned the wallet in to a staff member. The wallet was returned to the student with all of the personal items, including money and identification. The other student was very appreciative of Tanner’s actions. – Mrs. Christina Bell
Jose Betancourt
Jose is an English Language Learner student in my Algebra 1 class. He has made a great effort in my class to understand the material and has been a huge help in assisting other ELL students in my class to understand and translate. He helps the struggling students without being asked. He always has a great attitude in my class and is very respectful of the classroom environment. – Mrs. Mary McCoy
Kailey Boyer
Kailey assisted the CHS Administrative Team in the school’s inaugural “Parent-U” seminar this month. Her efforts of hospitality helped our school give the red-carpet welcome for the keynote speaker and the guests that visited our campus to hear about cyber bullying and internet safety. – Mr. David Snider and Mrs. Charlotte Fisher
Ashley Burgess
Ashley assisted the CHS Administrative Team in the school’s inaugural “Parent-U” seminar this month. Her efforts of hospitality helped our school give the red-carpet welcome for the keynote speaker and the guests that visited our campus to hear about cyber bullying and internet safety. – Mr. David Snider and Mrs. Charlotte Fisher
Elizabeth Burr
Elizabeth was one of several students who stopped to help pick up papers that were littered along the drive and parking areas after coming off the recycling truck while leaving the CHS campus. Elizabeth took it upon herself to help other students and staff members to pick these papers before the start of school. – Mrs. Catherine Schmidt
Sharron Clark
Sharron treats everyone around her with dignity and concern. She waits her turn to speak, responds with please, thank you, and yes and no ma-am. She truly cares for the feelings of those around her and is willing to make a stand for what is right. She greets me with a smile and remembers to say goodbye when she leaves. She is the type of student that is a joy to teach and the type of person who makes the world a better place to live. She truly represents the trait “be respectful” – Mrs. Barbara Lindauer
Phillip Collins
Phillip was one of several students who stopped to help pick up papers that were littered along the drive and parking areas after coming off the recycling truck while leaving the CHS campus. Phillip took it upon himself to help other students and staff members to pick these papers before the start of school. – Mrs. Catherine Schmidt
Matt Cook
Matt assisted the CHS Administrative Team in the school’s inaugural “Parent-U” seminar this month. His efforts of hospitality helped our school give the red-carpet welcome for the keynote speaker and the guests that visited our campus to hear about cyber bullying and internet safety. – Mr. David Snider and Mrs. Charlotte Fisher
Regan Frauenfelder
Regan comes to class with a positive attitude every day and is respectful to me and everyone in the class. She always tries to do the right thing by helping others in the room and taking pride in her work. – Mrs. Kristie Moore
Linda Gallardo
Linda is an English Language Learner student in my Algebra 1 class. She has made a great effort in my class to understand the material and has been a huge help in assisting other ELL students in my class to understand and translate. She helps the struggling students without being asked. She always has a great attitude in my class and is very respectful of the classroom environment. – Mrs. Mary McCoy
Brittany Gates
Brittany demonstrated respect toward me. She recognized a mistake and apologized to me once class was over. I believe that she not only demonstrated respect, but also maturity by doing so. – Mrs. Sarah McGinnis
Nick Gonet
Nick turned in two blank checks that a young lady lost in the parking lot. – Mr. David Snider
Erika Gonzalez
Erika found a student’s wallet on the bus ride in to school and turned the wallet in to a school administrator. The wallet was returned to the student with all of the personal items, including money and identification. The other student was very appreciative of Erika’s actions. – Mr. Brad Hyre
Aimee Haynes
Aimee helped a new student with her homework without being asked. She saw that the new student was having trouble and offered to help. The new student accepted and was very appreciative of her help. With the stress of changing schools, feeling behind in classes, and not knowing anyone, the new student could have easily been ignored. Aimee chose to not only help her, but through her kind actions made her feel welcome at our school. – Mr. Sean Hay
Hanna Liljegren
Hannah assisted the CHS Administrative Team in the school’s inaugural “Parent-U” seminar this month. Her efforts of hospitality helped our school give the red-carpet welcome for the keynote speaker and the guests that visited our campus to hear about cyber bullying and internet safety. – Mr. David Snider and Mrs. Charlotte Fisher
Carlee Mahan
Carlee assisted the CHS Administrative Team in the school’s inaugural “Parent-U” seminar this month. Her efforts of hospitality helped our school give the red-carpet welcome for the keynote speaker and the guests that visited our campus to hear about cyber bullying and internet safety. – Mr. David Snider and Mrs. Charlotte Fisher
Molly McNally
Molly consistently comes to class displaying a great attitude toward her peers, toward me and toward learning. During class, Molly consistently demonstrates an attitude of respect toward me and toward the expectations I maintain for my class. On a daily basis, Molly sends a message about respect to her classroom teacher and her classroom peers. – Mrs. Jeanie Thomas
Hannah Meyer
Hannah has exhibited excellent respect as a Co-op student and employee. She goes to school, works 15 hours per week and keeps up with all of her homework and extracurricular activities. Although she may be tired at times, she does not let that affect her pleasant respectful attitude in class and on the job. Hannah is respectful to other classmates, her teachers and her coworkers. She has not been absent or tardy this year and always volunteers to help out others when needed. Although peer pressure may subject her to other students’ disrespect, she does not let it affect her. – Mrs. Kelli Davidson
Oscar Ochoa
Oscar is one of the most respectful kids I’ve ever had in class. He always asks me how he is doing. He helps others, cleans up others’ messes, opens doors and is genuinely courteous all the time. I appreciate Oscar’s daily demeanor. – Mrs. Tiffany Droege
Shajarvis Patrick
I have known Jarvis since his freshman year. He is always thoughtful, positive and respectful. Last year was a particularly trying year for him. His mom dealt with some health issues. As a result, Jarvis dropped off the basketball team to get a job and help take care of his family. In addition to the respect that he shows the staff and peers here at CHS, his actions demonstrated the utmost respect for his mother and little sister. – Mrs. Terri Cary
Nathan Rhoads
During the four years that I have known Nathan, I have never heard him say a negative word to or about anyone. He arrives to class every day with a positive attitude. In addition, Nathan is my “go to guy”. He has helped me with Winter Ball and Homecoming activities even though he was not in the Class of 2014. I cannot count how many classroom desks Nathan has repaired for me! Nathan is an all-around great guy who is always willing to go the extra mile and is respectful to staff and peers alike. – Mrs. Terri Cary
Jake Scheiter
Jake assisted the CHS Administrative Team in the school’s inaugural “Parent-U” seminar this month. His efforts of hospitality helped our school give the red-carpet welcome for the keynote speaker and the guests that visited our campus to hear about cyber bullying and internet safety. – Mr. David Snider and Mrs. Charlotte Fisher