The first teacher at Unit 10’s Special Needs Center has been named the first Edward Jones’ Collinsville Unit 10 Teacher of the Month for the 2014-2015 school year.

Lindsey Rakowski, the Edward Jones Collinsville Unit 10 Teacher of the Month. Left to right: Kelly Carpenter, Alison Berg, Rakowski and Rick Kincheleo / Photo by Roger Starkey
Lindsey Rakowski is a 2nd and 3rd grade teacher at the Hollywood Heights school that was re-opened last year as part of a pilot program to bring Collinsville Unit 10 School District students with special behavioral needs back into the district. She was the only full-time teacher in the building last year.
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Rakowski’s students have adjusted very well to the addition of other student’s into the building, Special Education Supervisor Alison Berg said.
“That speaks very highly of how she handles her classroom,” Berg said.
The growth of Rakowski’s students from last year to this year is remarkable, Berg said. The special education supervisor thinks so highly of the August Teacher of the Month’s ability that she recommends other teachers observe Rakowski’s classroom, regardless of what grades the others teach.
The award gave Rakowski much needed validation, on a tough day.
“When you’re not sure you’re doing things right, this lets you know that you are,” Rakowski said.
Calling Rakowski another fine example of the Unit 10 staff, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Kelly Carpenter said the monthly award, presented by Rick Kincheloe of Edward Jones, reinforces a message from the administration.
“We try to tell them daily how thankful we are for what they do for the students and the community,” Carpenter said.