***Submitted story***
A new exhibit opening Saturday at Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site will separate myth from fact in the colorful history of southern Illinois.

The State of Southern Illinois: An Illustrated History” authored by Herbert Russell / Submitted photo
“The State of Southern Illinois” features 39 photographs that appeared in “The State of Southern Illinois: An Illustrated History” authored by Herbert Russell and published by Southern Illinois University Press. The exhibit can be seen Aug. 16 through mid-November.
It focuses on the 28 southernmost counties of Illinois, the region known historically as “Egypt,” an area so different from the rest of Illinois that it sometimes seems like a state within the state. The exhibit draws from Russell’s own photographs and those of museums, institutions and individuals.
“I wanted to incorporate photography with modern research to fashion a book and exhibit that were beautiful to behold and historically accurate,” Russell says.
He explores southern Illinois’ connections to the South, the history of slavery in the region, the establishment of communities of free African-Americans, as well as mining, labor violence and gangsters.
There is no admission fee. The suggested donation amounts are $7 for adults, $5 for seniors, $2 for students, and $15 for families.
For more information call 618-346-5160 or go to www.cahokiamounds.org.
***Submitted story***