Former Collinsville Christian Academy principal faces more sexual abuse charges

A former Collinsville Christian Academy principal, facing sexual abuse charges from his time at the school, was indicted on July 17 by a grand jury for allegedly committing a similar crime in Clinton County. Robert Allen Lane, 57, of the 1200 block of Antler Drive in Troy faces two felony counts of aggravated sexual abuse relating […]
Read More →Talk of Oscar Mayer buying the World’s Largest Catsup Bottle may be premature

When a media report surface Tuesday of Oscar Mayer’s potential interest in purchasing the World’s Largest Catsup Bottle, Collinsville hearts were set aflutter. Thoughts of dousing their Oscar Mayer hotdogs with horseradish sauce and Brooks Tangy Catsup, all with a Collinsville connection, began dancing in the heads of those living in the lengthy shadow of […]
Read More →Collinsville Police to be first City employees to honor Martin Luther King Jr. Day

By a unanimous vote of the Collinsville City Council Monday, police officers became the first City employees to honor Martin Luther King Jr. Day. In place of a 2 percent raise in the third year of the new contract, the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge no. 103 – which represents uniformed officers – agreed to add Martin […]
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