Collinsville Kmart to close after 25 years

The Kmart in Keebler Crossing will permanently lock its doors in early September. The mega retailer opened in Collinsville in September 1989. A company representative notified the City of Collinsville Monday that the store will not renew its lease because the store is “sales negative” and has been underperforming for some time, Economic Development Director […]
Read More →Fairmont City woman intoxicated when car smashed into Alton building

Christana M. Martinez had a blood alcohol level more than four times the legal limit when the car she was driving struck the Con-Agra building in Alton on March 9. In addition to a blood alcohol level of .365, Martinez had cocaine metabolites and citalopram (an antidepresent) in her system, according to a statement released […]
Read More →Caseyville Fishing Derby this Saturday

***Submitted Content*** Caseyville’s annual Youth Fishing Derby will be held Saturday, June 14 in Caseyville Park from 9 a.m. to noon. This is a free event for kids 15 and under, accompanied by an adult 18 or older. Sign in starts at 9 a.m. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources fishing demonstration starts at 9:30 […]
Read More →Putting the “international” in the International Horseradish Festival

Maybe it’s just the appeal of a condiment known for making eyes water and taking the breath away, but Collinsville’s annual festival honoring its signature crop garners attention from horseradish growers, producers and aficionados from around the country and abroad. In its 27 years, it has earned the word “international” in the moniker “the International […]
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