The plans and timeline for the demolition of the former post office building in Uptown Collinsville, and the parking lot to take its place, are starting to become clear.

Artist rendering of the future parking lot at 130 S. Center St., Collinsville / image by Oates Associates
Collinsville Director of Streets Rod Cheatham said the goal is to have the new parking lot open to the public in time for this year’s Italian Fest, which begins Sept. 19.
“But that’s really pushing it,” Cheatham said.
The primary obstacle in the way of 50 new parking spaces for Italian Fest revelers is the presence of asbestos in the 50-year-old building. It is hoped that the asbestos abatement in the building can be completed by the end of June, Cheatham said.
The Streets Department will perform the demolition of the building, as they have done in recent years for other city owned property as a cost saving measure.
On Monday, the City Council approved the $34,000 for Oates Associates to perform preliminary and final design, topographic survey, civil design, electrical design, specifications, bidding documents and construction staking for the new parking lot.
The City Council approved the $250,000 purchase of the building on April 14.