Collinsville High School senior Lauren Hostetter signed a national letter of intent Tuesday to continue her dance career at McKendree University.

Lauren Hostetter signs a letter of intent to dance for McKendree University. Seated with Hostetter are her father, Michael, and mother, Jackie. Standing, left to right: Kahok Dance Team Head Coach Toni Geisen, McKendree Dance Team Head Coach Katy Czerwonka and Hostetter’s brother, Kyle
Hostetter is a four-year member of the Kahok Dance Team and three-year letter winner. The Kahok Dance Team qualified for the state tournament this year.
Michael, Hostetter’s father, said getting the dance scholarship was not part of the family’s plans before she tried out for the McKendree dance team. “It’s a fantastic surprise,” Michael said.
Jackie, Hostetter’s mother, said she did not try out for the team to get a scholarship, but rather because she has enjoyed dancing since she was three. “This is just a way for her to continue doing what she enjoys,” Jackie said.
Hostetter, who plans to major in biology, chose McKendree because she wanted to attend a small college at which she could have closer interactions with her professors. “When I took the tour, I felt like it was more personal,” Hostetter said.
Hostetter has also been a recipient of the Collinsville High School’s Scholar-Athlete Award. The Kahok Dance Team was the only dance team outside the Chicago area to receive the Illinois High School Association academic recognition award last year.