The Collinsville Township Trustees will hear details of how an increased tax levy may impact property taxes when the trustees meet Nov. 26.
According to the agenda posted on the window of the township building at 305 E. Main St., Collinsville, “Levy” and “O.S.A.S Contract” will be discussed under the New Business heading. Trustee Chris Guy said “Levy” is a reference to a proposed 5 percent tax levy increase.
A tax levy increase will provide Collinsville Township with more money, but it may not be directly responsible for raising property taxes. If the value of property in the township increases, it is possible that the township could receive the proposed 5 percent increase in tax money without being directly responsible for increased real estate taxes.
Guy said he will oppose the measure regardless of the tax implications. “The reason I plan to vote ‘no’ is that I don’t think we need moreĀ money from the taxpayers,” Guy said. “Generally an increased levy means an increase in taxes.”
Taxpayers will have a chance to hear the details of the proposed increase and voice questions or concerns at the regularly scheduled trustee meeting Tuesday, Nov. 26 at 7 p.m. The meeting will be held at the township building at 305 E. Main St.